Wednesday, August 20, 2008


After toying with the idea for about a week or so, I've decided to start a football-only blog. I was going to include some football on my other blog, but it just didn't seem like it would work, so here it is - a blog dedicated solely to 'the beautiful game'.

How often I'll update this is still under consideration, but I'd imagine maybe twice a week. Depends on how much fodder the brat Ronaldo gives me. There may be a slight focus on Arsenal, or at least moreso than on any other team. Not because I support Arsenal (an issue I'll address later), but because I enjoy watching them more than most.

Anyway, Dodgeball (and more specifically, Christine Taylor) is on and it's distracting me from making this post funny and interesting, so I'm gonna go. How convenient for me...and the clock.

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