Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Cold Shoulder

So much for the arm-around-the-shoulder style of man management. It seems as if 'Arry has abandoned this tactic in favour of slagging off his players - the method Paul Jewel employed for much of 07/08 whilst in charge at Derby. Here's what Redknapp had to say about Darren Bent's shocking miss on Sunday:

"You will never get a better chance to win a match than that. My missus could have scored it."

Right, so, um, Darren Bent isn't a "fantastic player" then? I wonder if Bent will appear on Football Focus again lauding Harry for his new, cold shoulder-style of management?

"Harry came into the dressing room, told me I'm absolutely rubbish, and that was the motivation I needed for going out there and trying to improve."

It's always win-win with Harry, isn't it? I hate that.

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